Are you looking to become an Internet marketer? If so I imagine, like all beginners, you are struggling to get started. This is probably the hardest part of starting any online business and when you look for help and support online all you find are so called ‘gurus’ who just want to take your money. Do not let this put you off as there has never been a better time to earn an income online. Whether it be a second income to treat the family or even just to help during this poor economical climate. You could even build toward a full time income and quit that job you dislike so much and give you more time to do the things you want. Whatever your reasons I hope that my top 5 Internet marketing tips for beginners will help you.
Internet Marketing Tips For Beginners No.1: Find A Niche
The first and most important step to Internet marketing is to find a niche. This needs to be something within a market that people are already searching for online but where the need is greater than the resources available. This may sound complicated but this simply means to find something in high demand with low competition. This can be done by researching keywords within your market using tools such as the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. This will give you variations of your keywords and phrases along with average monthly searches and a level of competition. Research is key as there is no point going into a niche that does not have people searching for it. No matter how good an idea may seem to you, if the numbers don’t stack up then forget it and move on.
Internet Marketing Tips For Beginners No.2: Find A Product
Once you have researched and found a good niche to begin marketing in you will obviously need a product to sell. You can of course create your own product within that niche and begin marketing it online however as a beginner I imagine you’re thinking ‘how do I do that?’. No problem, because you do not have to create you own product. I would recommend that you become an affiliate to an already proven product. This simply means that you will be marketing someone else’s product for them and taking a commission for you troubles. This way you do not need to worry about creating a product, packaging, shipping, refunds, customer services etc. Your job simply is to drive traffic to the product using your internet marketing skills and knowledge and collect your commission. Affiliate programs can pay anything from 10-70%, sometimes more so it is a great way to start earning money online. Again though I would advise thorough research in the product as you do not want to be selling something that people will be unhappy with as this could damage your reputation as a marketer.
Internet Marketing Tips For Beginners No.3: Become An Authority
Becoming an authority within your niche is crucial. People are far more likely to buy from you if you are displaying good valuable content and seen as an authority. It is important to add personality and to build a relationship with your leads and prospects. This way they are more likely to come back to you and buy your products. The best way to become an authority is to create your own authority website or blog site. This is where you can give reports or reviews of the products you are marketing. You can do this through your blog using articles or video reviews.
Internet Marketing Tips For Beginners No.4: Build A List
You may have already heard the term ‘The money is in the list’, well this is very true. Building an email list of targeted subscribers will make it far easier to build a good relationship with your prospects. The best way to do this is to include an opt-in form on your website. This is often followed up with a free gift or offer to provide value to your subscribers immediately. Once you have built a list of targeted followers within your niche you will be able to continue to provide value to your prospects by broadcasting regularly with your latest blogs, videos and reviews and more importantly your products. Another great way to build your list is to use lead capture pages or squeeze pages. This is basically a single page website delivering your free offer or gift and clearly displaying your opt-in form. There are various ways to drive traffic to this page for free such as using social media marketing, video marketing and article marketing.
Internet Marketing Tips For Beginners No.5: Be Consistent
Once you have your website set up, you are getting a constant flow of traffic and your list is building it is important to be consistent with your content, particularly in the beginning. It is extremely rare for someone to buy from you the very first time they visit your site so if you can keep them coming back to fresh new content that will give value to that person then you are far more likely to generate a regular income and be a far more successful Internet marketer.
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