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Sunday, 23 October 2016

8 Advantages Of Using Social Media

Today, the article will be discussing about social media, and how it has helped many sites get bigger everyday. Bigger sites are continuing to use the power of Social "awareness" on these Social Sites.
Expert Author Samuel E PusteaI have been able to attract the majority of traffic so far from social media, and it has been a great starting point to do so. Every new blog will need to first attract and mobilize the advantages of social media sites.
One of the advantages being the use of its traffic already on the sites. The ability to add connections on each site. And finally having to use it anytime you are in need of any two of the previous points.
With one mention of a social site, everyone knows the growth of it everyday. Pinterest. It is now officially the "third" largest social media site, surpassing even LinkedIn. It has been named, "50 Best Websites of 2011" according to Time.com and its list.
Every social site's trend right now has to be the visualization of the interface. The trend has been growing with Pinterest's example as the prime interface. It has grown a trend to put that style into practice on Internet Dreams.
Social media in general has been a huge focal point of success on the internet since the "human" seems to find connection to each other a must-need aspect of life.
This article will list the top 8 advantages social sites offer. You, too, take advantage of the social site's offers. Find out below, and get the "Advantages" identified! Please share!

1. Get Instant Traffic

With Facebook having over 845 million monthly active users according to jeffbullas.com and Pinterest with 10 million, it shows to prove that social media is one of the most accessed feature of the internet.
Why not take advantage of the traffic some of the social media sites receive? It would be beneficial to your site to get that traffic and get your brand more "aware".
Not all of that traffic is what you are going to need. Only a small portion of the numbers. The small portion that is high-targeted and what you are really looking to attract to your site.
There are some stats that is worth taking note on the internet. Of all of them, it is pretty obvious Facebook is the "King" and worth investing time into. It could be different for you, since you could be more engaging on Twitter.
It is all about what time you invest in a social site and based on that is the yielding return.

2. Talk And Connect With Your Peers

Your peers could be site owners or bloggers that have their content and they're distributing it to the social masses. Social media has made it a possibility and a "must" to form relationships with your peers.
Connect and talk with them. That is one of the most important tasks for a beginner. Just saying, "Hi, how are you" is a killer opening to a connection. Also offer to let them know if you could share any content they may have.
Having the right top wordpress plugins at your disposal is one step closer to taking full advantage of social media.
Ask them personally to make sure they know you shared their content as they are more apt to respond with the same action.

3. Capture A Following!

Getting traffic from social media is one thing but to get them to like or follow you is another. Since social media traffic is known for traffic that comes and goes, it creates huge spikes then dwindles the next day.
Half the time you are looking to get traffic from a social visitor, try the other to get them to follow you. Asking is a start and providing unique content is also a start in getting them to sign up.

4. Get More Help To Share Your Content

Since social media is about connections and sharing what best interests them, posting your article there might interest them as well. They will look at it and what they see, might help you get started with sharing.
One way to get more shares form a piece of content is to involve your peers in it in some way and asking them to share it. The other is to contact your "legit" readers or followers you are in good connection with and ask them the same way as well.

5. It Is Free To Use

There is no cost involved and use them as much as you can. Set up a profile that looks worked on and has all of your current "information". Start following and making friends with as many as you can, and slowly refine your search.
It is free to share and use the features of the social site, such as meetings or groups. Be aware of the possibility of connecting with other "similar" people and sharing what you have to offer. Keep this strategy at a consistent basis. You'll see the rewards.

6. A Huge Database Of Ideas

On the social sites, in some areas of it, there are many looking for answers to their problems. People are looking for solutions and one of the places they are looking is in social media where they might be following one of their teachers such as a blogger or mentor.
Problems = Ideas. You can also get ideas by looking at what is the trend out there and capturing some of that vibe. Look at other content and analyze for yourself what is getting hits on it. It isn't hard to figure that out. Just look at the social signs such as comments or likes, retweets, etc...
Spying on your competition basically.

7. Social Media = Social Networking

Absolutely the fundamental aspect of receiving success on Social Media. That could be possible as its other name. If you are not networking with others on these sites, and just pumping just your own content and hoping it gets recognized.
Nope. It isn't.
The only way it would be is if your followers or close ones share and help you promote further. That is something I had to learn and didn't think of it that way. So, contact your close connections and help each other out with sharing. That way, you will be able to reach further down the channels of social media.

8. Increase Your Brand "Name"

Even "big" name companies that have existed prior to social media madness, have jumped on this medium to grow their business even more. According to eMarketer.com, 88% percent of marketers agree that social media has helped grow their brand "awareness".
Even if you haven't had your website exist before social media, now is the time to grow that name of your site into the brand that can be known by a wider mas, when grown. A smart strategy is to take a look at the big dogs and catch "some" of those tricks they use, cause they have more experience in the field.

Recap Of The 8 Social Media Advantages

There you have it. The 8 huge advantages listed here you can't miss of social media engagement. It could also be the top ten advantages of using social media for your site.
No more excuses not to use social media like it is, and if you are using it, I am sure you are not using the full advantages of it. I was doing the same till I rediscovered, myself, on what the true meaning of social media is.
Work on each of these eight points, one at a time. These are meant to be working points and stepping-stones to the next level of your social media engagement.
Out of all these points, the true key to success on any social site is engagement and time. Time you spend on getting better on that specific social media site.
If this article helped you and took valuable information from it, please visit internetdreams.com for more articles that can enhance and make you succeed online. Internet Dreams talks about how to make your dream a reality on the Internet. Another article that I recommend is, " 25 WordPress Plugins You Need? ".

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7153890

7 Tips To Grow Sales Using Social Media

Social media has become a selling force for the marketing world and marketers are taking a great advantage of it. Recent survey shows that about 75% of sales and purchase decisions are done through social media evaluations in one way or the other. Even the way we do business and maintain customer relationship has changed drastically within the last few years all because of social media. The traditional way of selling both offline and online has changed from email marketing, networking, phone calls and face to face discussions to almost complete social media selling. That been said doesn't mean our traditional ways of selling are no longer good or in use but, we rather make better use of them combining social media selling information and experiments to grow sales using social media.

Growing sales using social media

Social media selling is simple but a tactical way of reaching your audience based on their demographics and at the right time through the right source depending on the most popular social media channel your local or global audience are using at a particular time. Properly using your networks on LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, and other social networks, you will be able to easily identify potential prospects, then gain intelligence on your audience needs and challenges, and then leverage this knowledge. This valuable information will make a way for you to engage them in conversation that will give you the opportunity to email, call or even meet them in person and present your offers to them. It is no news that the potentials social media have help marketers uncover new selling opportunities and also develop the existing business relationships that leads them to grow sales using social media.
To succeed on social media, you have to properly plan, set out a clear strategy, devote some time and work hard work before you can even think of succeeding on social media selling. Below are some of the best tips every selling rep should follow in other to be successful on social media.

1. Defined your Brand or Products/Services

Before you even start anything on social media, you as a person or group have to first define your brand, products and services. This means that, how do you want to be seen as a brand? Is it that you are have the best quality products with the lowest cost or do you offer the fastest and efficient services within your niche. Do you want your audience to see you as the best team or group of experts in a particular field? it all have to be first defined. By doing this, you will determine how you want to be perceived in the eyes of your audience and also know the right source of social network you will need to use.

2. Create and complete your social media profiles

After defining your brand and having a full knowledge of how you want to be perceived on the media among your audience and potential clients, the next thing you need to is to create attracted accounts on all the social media platforms within your reach. Whether is Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and also create and update your LinkedIn profile. Connect your site with all the above mentioned social sites and not LinkedIn company page. Make sure you don't have previous information on those pages that will hurt your brand and create controversy among your visitors and potential customers. These social media pages represent your brand, products and services to great extent and they must be kept clean and filled with information appealing to customers only.

3. Identify your targeted audience and go after them

There are so many ways of searching for your targeted audience on social network these days. You know them easily by what they like, their subscriptions, what they share and view on daily bases. Another way to search for your audience is through LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great tool for this because they allow you to search for people according to their demographics e.g. by their titles, regions, specific departments, companies, industries, and more. Same thing can be done with Twitter and now with Facebook posting updated to target specific audience to increase engagement. You could also find your potential customers through your competitors' fan pages and make attempts to steel them in ways I won't discuss here. In case you need more information about this, email or contact the admin of this post.

4. Build your social Network with your targeted audience

After getting to know who are your targeted audience on those social networks, Start building your network with the people you know by inviting them to like and share your pages. There are a lot of chances that those people might know who you want to sell to and make sure you add all the people from your past and present job places, your family and friends and encourage them to share your information among their friends. This for sure will lead to your pages attracting new members and so the growth will continue. Make a good use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ to start this process.

5. Identify platforms your audience are using

Knowing the social network platforms your targeted audience are on regularly will help you a lot in targeting them and bringing them to your pages on same social networks channels. You have to understand where your targeted audience spend most of their time, discuss their challenges and share information about topics interesting to them. Once you identify those platforms, join the groups, and subscribe to those platforms. There are chances you would meet a lot of your targeted audience there and convert them to becoming your fans and subscribers. You would do better is you spend more time on those social platforms where your audience spend most of their time. These will lead to more subscribers and potential customers you would keep forever.

6. Grow sales using social media

Learn and monitor your Potential clients on those social media platforms
Some tools like Tweetdeck, Hootsuite and Google Alerts are just great peace of software that can help you monitor in real time what your potential customers are talking about online which will allow you to quickly respond to them in a timely manner. Your target audience are continuously sharing information on social network sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and more which send messages to what their needs and wants are. Sometimes even their profile update might review what their needs are at a time. Knowing all these will give you great insight on what to create and how to target them based on their behavior on social media.

7. Offer Target and valuable content that will impress and engage your audience

Now that you have defined your brand, create and enhanced your social media profiles, identified your target audience and where they spend most of their time on the social media platforms, started building your social network, and began learning more about your target audience, the next challenge will be to start offering great information about your products, services and brand. This will help you to build trust and establish yourself as an expert within a particular field. these days you need to share targeted valuable insights with your prospective customers in the form of quality content using the different social media platforms they use and also make sure these contents are sent to them at the right times and through the right source.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9409619